
在澳门皇家赌城在线县社区学院, students from diverse backgrounds come together to purse their education and personal development. 对于许多, Moorpark, 奥克斯纳德, and 澳门皇家赌城在线 大学 are more than just the place where they take classes, but also where they see their potential futures for the first time. 许多学区的员工 graduates of the 澳门皇家赌城在线 County Community College 区 (VCCCD), a true testament to what community 大学 have to offer. Having experienced many of the same worries and challenges that their students face, these individuals make the most of their opportunities to guide and mentor students as they work toward their own aspirations for the future.

Dr. Oscar Cobian, now interim president of 奥克斯纳德 College (OC), was once a student at OC himself. He remembers “being lost” until he became a part of the bgi的 program. “They provided me with a roadmap to complete my degree and transfer.”

当前受奖人回到地区工作时, they bring with them a sense of familiarity and shared background that enriches the institution and student experience. 为博士. Cobian, this shapes his leadership in creating a nurturing environment where students feel understood and supported. “我想到自己作为一名新学生的入职经历, 以及奥克斯纳德学院, we want students to see themselves as OC students and have the resources available to succeed,他说.

The personal connection VCCCD alumni have to the community college experience also allows them to envision innovative ways to embody the 区 mission and serve future generations of students.

Dr. 丽莎·普特南, 营运执行总监, first began her years of service to the 区 as a student on the Moorpark College campus. “I almost dropped out of college in that first year at Moorpark College. 如果不是博士. Pollock, my Psychology professor, I would have,” said Dr. 普特南谈到了她自己的大学经历. “Dr. 波洛克看出我在挣扎, 他找到我,鼓励我继续下去, 帮我找到我需要的资源. 他帮助我认识到,虽然教育是艰难的, the college has many different support services to help us figure it all out. 我将永远感激这位老师.”

因为,博士. 普特南有 为VCCCD学生服务, 大学, 在社区工作了34年, 专业分类, 教员, 以及学术管理人员. She is now located at the 区 Administrative Center where she works with the Chancellor and supports collaboration among senior leadership 区wide.

作为一名校友. Putnam brings to the table a wide variety of institutional 知识 that takes into consideration the needs of students, 社区成员, 和员工. This intrinsic understanding helps the whole 区wide leadership team build a more equitable and responsive educational environment.

在当今不断变化的经济格局中, community 大学 serve a pivotal role preparing those in the community for new paths and expanding dreams. By offering affordable programs for transfer and certification, the 澳门皇家赌城在线 County 大学 have become a launchpad for students looking to strengthen their skills to better serve their communities.

Ms. 劳拉·巴罗佐, 人力资源副校长, attended multiple VCCCD 大学 before transferring to University of California Northridge for her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and then to Antioch University Santa Barbara for her Master’s degree in Psychology. She then began her career, first for the County of 澳门皇家赌城在线 and then for the college district. “作为奥克斯纳德学院的毕业生, I am proud of my journey that began at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 and has led me from student to steward,巴罗佐说. “The opportunities that came before me from my pursuit of education have not only enriched my life but have also empowered me to empower others, reinforcing the belief that education is the cornerstone of progress and prosperity.”

This unique cycle of growth and success both enriches the institution with local talent and fortifies the bond between education and community.

As each cohort of graduates leaves the 澳门皇家赌城在线 County 大学, 他们带走了他们的经历, 知识, 以及为社区带来改变的热情, 以及当校友回到地区工作时, they infuse their campuses with renewed energy and a deepened sense of purpose. As the VCCCD continues to progress and develop programs to best serve the community, the inclusion of alumni in the workforce ensures that the 区 remains firmly rooted in the mission to provide accessible and exceptional education.


We are proud to have so many amazing alumni in our community! If you are a VCCCD graduate, we want to hear your success story. 请 完成我们的骄傲VCCCD表格  to share your campus, years attended, and how you have succeeded with us and since. Help us encourage the next generation of students and share why you are  # Proud2BeVCCCD !

艾莉弗雷泽, MFA, 是一种市场营销, 通信, and Web Design Coordinator at the VCCCD 区 Administrative Center. 要了解有关VCCCD的更多信息,请访问VCCCD.edu.
区 Office ::: Moorpark College ::: 奥克斯纳德 College ::: 澳门皇家赌城在线大学